Monday, June 23, 2014

Week I

Week 1
21 miles logged.

It was an easy first week of marathon training. I had the luxury of going Up-North for the brunt of it, running 12 of those miles around Lake Superior on Mackinac Island. While the rest of my peers had to train in 90 degree humidity and rain, I was fortunate enough to have sunny 60 degree weather.

There is something profoundly different in the experience of running in the city, with it's cars, curbs, and monotony, and running in the places that man hasn't wrecked yet.

I was having a hard time sleeping during my vacation due to my midnight work schedule and everyone getting up early. I was lying in bed on Wednesday and decided to fill my time more wisely than just lying there trying to doze off. So I got up at 5am and ran 8 miles before the island awoke.

These are the runs that separate running from any other sport. These are the runs that are the difference between running for pleasure and running to log miles. 
