Monday, October 13, 2014

Week XVIII (Race Week)

Race Week
26.2 miles

Here is why I am running this marathon. This has no order, but the numbers are based on when I'll need you the most in this race.

Without you, my life would be be void.

Mile 1- Laura- She is everything I have wanted to be my entire life. She is the reason I have a drive to live at all. All of my blood and sweat belongs to her. Mile one means I'm just getting started, which was the message she has always given me.
Mile 2- Caeden- He is both his mother and I. He worries and yet he perseveres. My son. You will be on my mind the entire race. When I doubt, I'll think of you and keep fighting.
Mile 3- Aevry- Once, she instantly mended my broken heart by giving me hers. My Daughter who leaves me notes and thinks of things so thoughtful that no one could imagine.
Mile-4- Olivia- I was robbed of you. I never gave up and I would never give in. I smile when I think of you.
Mile 5- Mom- She raised us with nothing and worked so hard to give us something. She fought until bloody and still stands.
Mile 6- Jason- Coffman We weren't as close as I wished we could have been, but we grew up side by side. We had different viewpoints, but the same heart.
Mile 7- Mrs. Hughes- You asked me once when I hated you for being hard on me if my father was around. I didn't answer, but you knew. You loved me more than the rest because of it.
Mile 8- My father, because F him for missing out. I'll run this mile in anger and finish it with a smile, knowing I am stronger than he was. Forgiveness of you is my second greatest battle, right behind myself. I'll run this mile in anger.
Mile 9- Jon Stewart- You brought me back to real life. You showed me that there is something out there that isn't generic and invited me to live in it with you.
Mile 10- Jim Stewart- I sat on a roof with you and you taught me that the world isn't so bad as long as you have God. I've learned to live this way.
Mile 11- Brandy Mattice- I have no idea where you are, but in the fifth grade you wrote something on the back page of my yearbook that took too much space for my liking. You told me not to stay in the shadows for too long and to lead because that is what I was born to do. I will never forget this was from a 10 year old.
Mile 12- Nicole Moore and her mom- This was my first job trying to help people. Nicole encouraged me and empowered me. Nicole's mom sent me a letter telling me the same thing that Brandy did 13 years later. I was something that God wanted to use.
Mile 13- Scott Shatzer- You may not know it, but you are a really great guy. You are one of the few people I genuinely trust. When I look at you I see a person that is pure at heart.
Mile 14- Eloise Ayers- You hated me from start to finish and told me I'd never be anything. You tried to steal my joy of being in high school, but you failed. This mile will be run against you and smiling. Mile 15- Kathleen- No haven't had much, but your loyalty to those you love has taught me that you choose your family and your family means everything.
Mile 16- Jeff Coaty- I bullied you in school. You grew bigger and stronger and became one of my brothers. There were a lot of people at Will's funeral and a lot of things said to me. One of the most comforting was you pulling my head to yours and weeping with me. You knew there weren't words to say.
Mile 17- Dave McWhorter- You are my mentor. Even if I'm not a pastor anymore, you taught me that people are going to hurt you even if you are loving them. Love them anyway and NOTHING IS BIGGER THAN THE CROSS. You were a major part of me becoming a man.
Mile 18- Jerame- You may think I've left, but I haven't. I'm letting you be a man now. You are a strong kid. You reminded me that I am useful and that I did something to better this world.
Mile 19- Andy- You are forever my brother. We would meet hell for each other. There are no words brother. You carry me
Mile 20- Patrick- You were the first student I had that I saw myself in. I have taken great joy in watching you grow. I have never been prouder of you in my life.
Mile 21- Josh Condon- You are literally always on my mind. You have been with me through everything. Joy and pain, music and sorrow. You're a brother to me. I'd never sing without you.
Mile 22- Jo-ann- My other mother. You are stronger than me. You are the strength that reminds me that I can keep going.
Mile 23- Audrey- I never had a sister, but I doubt that she would be anywhere near as loving as you. There isn't a bigger heart than yours.
Mile 24- Jim Doederlein- I didn't have a real dad, so you became him. You may not have all of the answers to fix everything, but you had the right ones to help fix me.
Mile 25- Joe- One of the last. The Dead End Kids. 2/3 Bearded. Nothing will be what is was. We can't go back, but we can lean on each other for strength. The Dead End Kids move forward always.
Mile 26- Will- I lost you. It was as much my mistake as anyone else's. I've been broken since you left and that isn't likely to change, but I've fought so hard. I'll finish this race for you and me. I'll bear the weight my brother. I'll finally run down the demons.
Mile .20- Me- This part is for me. I've fought hard and will finish standing. Our lives are so much more than our own strength. God puts people in our lives to make us what we are. We may break and we may collapse, but God will lift us. All 26 of you have picked me up out of the mud. This last .20 is for my own strength to endure this life.


1 comment:

  1. That, my friend, is a lot of inspiration to keep you going. I think you could run around the world.
